Information about Submissions

Submissions Overview

2024 Submissions are Closed

Our 2024 submissions are now closed and we are not accepting applications at this time. Stay tuned for more information about the 2024 festival lineup!

After Being Accepted

Deadline to Confirm

Acceptance notifications will go out by June 14, 2024 at the latest. After that time, accepted teams will have 14 days to confirm their attendance. Failure to confirm within this 14-day window may result in rescinding the acceptance offer.

Teaching Opportunities

There will be a limited number of opportunities for experienced visiting performers to teach a workshop during the festival. Applicants interested in teaching must fill out the separate teacher form at the time they apply. Teachers who are selected will be guaranteed payment regardless of how many people sign up for their workshop. You can submit your Teacher Application Form here.

Logistical Arrangements

Performers visiting from out of town can learn more about hotel and travel options on our Information for Visiting Performers page.