Welcome to Bay Area Musical Improv!

  • February 8, 2024

Welcome to Bay Area Musical Improv, a project dedicated to supporting and expanding the musical improv community in the San Francisco Bay Area and fostering opportunities at all levels. Our goal is a thriving, inclusive musical improv community made up of people of all backgrounds, experiences and vocal abilities.

We believe that musical improv is for everyone.

About Us

Bay Area Musical Improv is run by Jed Levine, a musical improv performer, teacher and coach with All Out Comedy in Oakland and Leela in San Francisco. This project is not directly affiliated with any theater and serves to support community development across all theaters and independent groups in the San Francisco bay area.

Jed relocated home to the bay area in 2020 after almost a decade in Chicago, where he began his musical improv journey. He is a graduate of the Second City Musical Improv Conservatory and an alumni of the critically-acclaimed musical improv company Baby Wants Candy. Jed currently teaches the multi-level musical improv programs at both All Out Comedy and Leela, and coaches musical improv teams and runs the jams at both theaters. Jed is also a member and co-founder of the All Out Comedy Mainstage Musical Improv Company.

Are We Missing Something?

If you know of a musical improv opportunity you think we should include in our classes listing, our reps page, and/or our calendar, please don’t hesitate to email us.

Our goal is to put more useful information in the hands of musical improvisers around the bay, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Support Musical Improv in the Bay

If you’d like to financially support musical improv in the bay area, we’ve started a fund to help local theaters and teams cover the cost of Musical Directors. Opportunities for musical improv reps can be both infrequent and expensive–this fund is aimed at helping to change that.

Our primary focus is reducing the cost of putting up musical improv jams and other free or low-cost public opportunities, in order to encourage more of them to happen more frequently. If we receive enough funds, our secondary focus will be to provide assistance to individual teams to cover some of their Musical Director costs.

100% of all funds collected will be used to pay Musical Directors doing work here in the bay area. You can donate here.