Welcome to the bay area's musical improv community
I'm New to Musical Improv
New to musical improv here in the bay area? No worries, we got you! Find out about intro classes, shows to watch and more!
I'm Already Doing Musical Improv
Already taken some classes or performed musical improv? Find out about jams, advanced classes, auditions and more!
I'm a Musician Who Likes Improv
Do you play piano, guitar or drums and enjoy improvising? Find out how to become a Musical Director for improv here in the bay area!
Get E-mail Updates
We'll send you bi-monthly e-mail updates with important information for musical improvisers in the Bay Area.
The best way to make sure you never miss a new musical improv opportunity, audition announcement, jam or show.
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Join Our WhatsApp Group
You can also join the Bay Area Musical Improv WhatsApp group to connect with the broader community and stay up-to-date on opportunities coming up.
Donate to the Musical Director Fund
We love our Musical Directors and think they deserve to be paid for their time. But sometimes the cost of paying a Musical Director can be a barrier to musical improv opportunities.
That's why we've started a fund where 100% of money donated will go toward paying Musical Directors—to help make sure there are more jams, more teams and more shows!
Our top priority is to fund more frequent musical jams and other public opportunities. After that, if funding allows, our next priority is supporting individual teams to help them cover the costs of their Musical Directors and make sure there are more shows and opportunities at all levels.
A donation of just $60 means a musical improv jam can happen that otherwise would not have happened. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so all donations are tax-deductible!